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If you are a Troop 506 parent, to view Scout Advancement and register for events please log into TroopTrack via the private portal

2017 Guide to Advancement
This document is the primary source for all BSA policies regarding rank advancement and merit badges. It is very detailed and a great resource.
2017 Guide to Advancement (online version)

2016/2017 Rank Advancement Changes
Effective Jan 1, 2017 all scouts must use the 2016 requirements.
2016 Boy Scout Requirements

Opening, Working On, and Completing a Merit Badge
 There are two primary ways that scouts open, work on, and earn merit badges: at the troop level (usually on an individual basis) and at large-scale environments such as summer camp. Please click on the following link for a detailed explanation.
Opening, working on, completing MBs.pdf

List of Merit Badges
 This is an Alphabetical list of all merit badges. Click on the badge and the link will take you to the BSA requirements for each badge.

Troop 506 Merit Badge Counselors
 The troop has at least one counselor for ALL Eagle-required badges. Contact the Troop Advancement Chair for a current list of all merit badges and counselors associated with Troop 506.

List of Eagle Required Merit Badges
 Camping, Citizenship in the Community, Citizenship in the Nation, Citizenship in the World, Communication, Cooking, Cycling3, Emergency Prep1, Environmental Sci2, Family Life, First Aid, Hiking3, Lifesaving1, Personal Fitness, Personal Management, Sustainability2, Swimming3,

1 Emer Prep OR Lifesaving required
2 Environmental Science OR Sustainability required
3 Swimming OR Hiking OR Cycling required

The Essentials of Being a Merit Badge Counselor
 Refer to this outstanding BSA-created presentation for a detailed discussion of merit badge counselor requirements, as well as an excellent description of the entire merit badge/blue card system.

The Essentials Presenters Notes
 This is a detailed discussion of each slide in the Essentials presentation.
The Essentials Notes         

NE Georgia Council MB Counselor Application Procedures
 The BSA and Troop 506 always have need for more merit badge counselors. If you have a favorite hobby, interest or skill set please consider becoming a Merit Badge counselor. You will make a positive difference in the lives of boy scouts.

Refer to the following guidance to become a new MB counselor or, if already qualified and current, to add/subtract a MB.

ADULT LEADER APPLICATION: Required for all first-time MB counselors--even if already a current adult leader.  Not required if you are an existing MB counselor and wish to add or subtract MB subjects, or you no longer wish to serve as a MB counselor.

 *This form is not available as a "fillable" pdf file. It must be completed by hand.

 * Ensure that you have signed twice! Sign both the Disclosure/Authorization form and the Adult Application itself.

Merit Badge Counselor Form: This may be manually filled out or completed as a "fillable" pdf file on your computer. It can even be digitally signed.

New MB Counselor applicants should provide the completed Adult Leader Application, copy of Youth Protection certificate, and MB Counselor Form to the Committee Chair, who will submit the package to the NEGA Council.

Existing MB Counselors seeking to add/subtract subjects to their profile need only fill out the MB Counselor Form and submit it to the Council. Turnaround time is usually just a day or two. Please contact our troop Advancement Chair for any questions.

 The following is much more detailed guidance from the NE Georgia Council.

MB Counselor application procedures.pdf 
Merit Badge Counselor Form - Feb 2013 34405.pdf

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TroopTrackHQ, LLC 51 E 3900 N Vineyard, UT 84059
TroopTrack TroopTrack is not affiliated with or endorsed by Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of the USA, Baden Powell Service Association, Trail Life U.S.A., or Scouts Australia. Any usage of BSA, GSUSA, TLUSA, or SA terminology on this site is for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as an endorsement of this product by any of these organizations. © 2008 - 2025 TroopTrackHQ, LLC. All rights reserved